Spanish Tortilla


500g waxy potatoes, peeled

olive oil, for frying

1 onion, halved and sliced

4 eggs,  beaten


  1. Cut the potatoes into 2cm cubes. Heat 3cm of olive oil in a large frying pan and add the onions.  Cook gently on a medium to low heat for 10 mins until they start to soften, then add the potatoes and a couple of pinches of salt, turning carefully now and again for 20-30 mins until the potatoes are tender.  Try not to get too much colour - you want the potatoes on onion to stew in the oil rather than crisp.  You’ll know that the potatoes are ready as they will break under the pressure of a wooden spoon.

  2. Separate the yolks from the egg whites.  Whisk the whites in a jar until they have increased in size. Then mix in the yolks.

  3. Tip the cooked onions and potatoes into a colander over a bowl and drain, reserving 2 tbsp of the oil.  Add the potatoes and onions to the eggs whilst still hot, and give everything a big stir.

  4. Heat the 2 tbsp of reserved oil in a small non-stick frying pan (about 20cm) .  Tip the mixture into the frying pan and cook over a gentle heat for 6-8 mins until the bottom and sides are set and have come away from the pan.

  5. Put a plate over the top of the pan, invert the tortilla onto it, then slide it back into the pan, uncooked side down. Cook for another 3-4 mins until the bottom is set and light golden.  Serve warm.

Great for lunch, or as part of a tapas meal. Can also be a packed lunch.


Spanish Tortilla with Spinach and Cheese


Strawberry Coulis