Gluten Free doesn’t need to be boring nor bland.

At the end of 2018, I realised that my belly aches and discomfort when eating came from an intolerance to gluten, and I had to suddenly change my diet. But my better health came with food envy. I used to be frustrated going out for meals and visiting friends - and always had a pack of gluten free oats with me in case I couldn’t eat anything. And then my kids encouraged me to rekindle my love of cooking and experiment. I joined the coeliac and gluten free community on Instagram - and I was inspired by their creativity and learning from their techniques.

I ended up posting a new recipe a day from 12 August 2021 until 4 September 2022 - not everything worked, and there were some days that felt more challenging then others. But I proved to myself that gluten free could be fun and varied - and I no longer find myself missing gluten (well, with the possible exception of croissants, pains au chocolat and filo pastry - although @theloopywhisk has assured me that the latter is achievable…). This website seeks to collect these recipes all in one easy and searchable place. There are no stories, explanations - just the recipe that I have tried and tested. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

A bit more about me - I am a proud father of three amazing and talented children. I cook and bake for fun, and to help me unwind at the end of the day. I also love to travel and discovering new cultures (you can find gluten free recommendations in my highlights on Instagram - enjoy!).

Recommendations for places to eat can be found in my Highlights on Instagram