Duck and Italian White Bean Stew


2 ducks breasts

1 shallot

120g celery

3 garlic cloves

1 chicken stock cube

handful of fresh rosemary

1/2 tsp red chilli flakes

240g butter beans (drained)

80g baby spinach

200ml almond cream


  1. Preheat the oven to 200C fan.  Boil a kettle.  Heat a frying pan on a medium-high heat.  Add the duck, skin-side down and season with sea salt.  Cook for 5-6 mins, until deep golden brown.  Then flip and cook for another 2 mins.  Transfer to a lined baking tray (skin-side up) and set aside.  Keep the pan and any residual fat to one side.

  2. Meanwhile, finely dice the shallot and celery.  Finely slice the garlic.  Reheat the frying pan on a medium heat.  Add the celery and shallot and cook fro 6-8 mins, stirring occasionally, until softened.  Add the garlic and cook for another 2 mins.

  3. Dissolve the stock cube in a jug of 200ml boiling water.  Finely chop the rosemary and add to the pan with the chilli.  Drain the beans, rice and then add to the pan.  Pour in the stock and simmer for 5 mins, until reduced by half.

  4. Meanwhile, cook the duck in the oven for 6-8 mins.  Remove and rest for a few minutes before slicing.  Keep warm.

  5. Add the spinach and cream to the bean stew.  Simmer for another 8-10 mins, until thickened to a creamy sauce.  Serve the white bean stew topped with the duck.


Mexican Hake with Black Beans and Guacamole


Brazilian Black Beans