Air Fryer Tandoori Chicken with Mint yoghurt and Rice


400g of chicken


2 tsp paprika

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp garam masala

1 tsp turmeric

1 heaped tbsp yogurt

1 tbsp tomato purée

1 tbsp garlic purée

1 tsp ground ginger

Salt and pepper

1 tsp oil

Juice of a lemon

1 tsp red food colouring (Optional)

Mint Yoghurt:

1 to 2 tbsp of fat free yoghurt

Juice of 2 limes

Freshly chopped mint

Salt and pepper


  1. Coat the Chicken in the the marinade ingredients.  Allow to rest for a couple of hours.

  2. Skewer the chicken  and cook in the Air-fryer for 17 mins at 200C.

  3. Mix the Mint & Lime Yoghurt ingredients together.  Serve the chicken with rice, with the yoghurt on the side.


Gammon Steaks with Honey and Mustard Apples


Crispy Air Fryer Bang Bang Chicken Bites