Raspberry Sorbet


700g raspberries

juice of 1 small lemon

300ml water

200g caster sugar

3 tbsp liquid glucose


  1. Put the raspberries in a food processor with the lemon juice.  Whizz to a smooth puree then transfer to a bowl, cover and chill.

  2. Meanwhile, put the water and sugar in a heavy-based pan and dissolve over a low heat.  When the syrup is clear, increase the heat to medium and boil for 5 mins.  Stir in the glucose and cool.

  3. Mix the cooled sugar syrup with the raspberry puree.  Pass through a sieve into a bowl to remove the seeds, rubbing the mixture through with the back of a spoon.

  4. Churn in an ice cream machine until almost frozen solid, then transfer to a rigid plastic container and put in the freezer.




Green Apple Sorbet