

250g stork (or margarine)

380g gluten free plain flour

120g caster sugar

1/2 tsp Xanthan Gum


  1. Cream together the stork and sugar in a bowl. Add the flour and the Xanthan gum until you have a crumbly mixture. Use your hands and mix together into a big sausage shape.

  2. Wrap in clingfilm and refrigerate for at least an hour to firm up.

  3. Preheat the oven to 180C (fan). Cut the mixture into rectangles, place on a baking tray and indent the top with a fork. Bake for 12 minutes until the biscuits feel firm to the touch.

  4. Allow to cool for 15 mins on the baking tray, and then transfer to a wire rack.

You can add 100g chocolate chips, adding them to the crumbly mixture, ahead of making the big sausage shape.


Ginger Biscuits


Raspberry Sorbet