Blue Cheese Sauce


250ml Double Cream, at room temp

125ml Beef Stock

100g Blue Cheese, crumbled

1 heaped tbsp fresh Chives, finely chopped


  1. Once you have cooked your steaks. remove them from the frying pan to rest.  Lower the heat to medium, and pour in the beef stock into the pan.  Scrape off any flavour from the pan, then pour in cream. Give it a good stir and allow to simmer for 5 or so mins until it begins to thicken. Remove any leftover herbs and garlic (from cooking the steak), then add in blue cheese and chives.

  2. Continue simmering until cheese has blended and the sauce has thickened. The stock, cheese and steak itself all taste fairly salty, so it's unlikely you'll need to season with salt, but a good pinch of black pepper is recommended. You can also pour in any resting steak juices at this point too for extra flavour.




Steak, Homemade Fries and Black Pepper Sauce