Mini Lemon Cheesecakes


For the cheesecakes:

400g cream cheese

50g icing sugar

2 lemons (juice and rind)

A splash of double cream

For the biscuit base:

75g of butter

150g of gluten free digestive biscuits


  1. Mix all of the cheesecake ingredients together - making users that they are all blended together. You should be getting lots of air into the mixture.

  2. Head up your butter until it is melted.  Mash up your biscuits into a crumb like texture.  But them into a bowl and mix in the melted butter.

  3. Press the biscuit base into 6 small glass moulds.  Use the back of a spoon to compact the biscuit mixture down.

  4. Pile the cheesecake mix on top of the biscuit base in each mould, smoothing down the mixture on top.  Place in the fridge for at least an hour.  Serve cold.


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