Banoffee Pie


For the biscuit base:

350g gluten free digestive biscuits

165g butter, melted

For the caramel:

1x 397g (sweetened) condensed milk

90g light brown sugar

90g butter

For the toping:

3-4 very ripe bananas

300ml double cream

3 tbsp icing sugar

a little milk chocolate, grated to finish


  1. Firstly, make the base.  In a food processor, blitz the biscuits into a crumb-like texture - not into a fine dust (can also be bashed in a zip lock bag with a rolling pin).  Put the blitzed biscuits into a large bowl and pour in the melted butter.  Mix until well combined.  Spoon the mixture into a loose-bottomed 23cm fluted tart tin.  Compact the mixture into the base and up the sides of the tin using the back of a spoon.  Next, press the base of a small jar/measuring cup over the biscuit base and against the sides to tightly compact, ensuring the sides are a consistent thickness.  It should look deceptively similar to a pastry case.  Chill in the fridge for 30 mins while you make your caramel.

  2. Put a small saucepan over a low heat.  Add the condensed milk, sugar and butter.  Allow to gently heat until melted and then stir constantly for around 10-12 mins until thickened.  Pour the caramel into the chilled biscuit base and place back into the fridge for about 1-2 hours.

  3. Once the caramel has set, slice the bananas into 5mm rounds, and place over the caramel in one or two layers.

  4. In a mixing bowl, either by hand or using a hand whisk, whip the cream and icing sugar until it forms soft peaks.  Spoon the cream over the bananas and finish with a little grated chocolate.  Return to the fridge until ready to serve.


Tiramisu Swiss Roll


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