Piemontaise Salad


4 potatoes

1 thick (0.5 cm) slice of ham

2 tomatoes

4 spring onions

8 cornichons (mini-gherkins)

1/4 bunch of flat parsley

1/4 bunch of rosemary

4 eggs

3 tbsp mayonnaise

2 tbsp ketchup

salt and pepper


  1. Cut the potatoes into cubes and wash them in a bowl.  Cut the ham into small cubes.  Remove the pulp from the tomatoes and cut the them into small cubes.  Peel the onions and finely chop them.  Cut the cornichons into small slices.  Keeping some leaves aside, finely chop the parsley.  Finely chop the rosemary leaves.

  2. Put the potato cubes in a large pan of cold water.  Bring to the boil with some rock salt, and bring to the boil for 10-12 mins.

  3. In a second pan, boil some water.  Gently drop the eggs and cook for 9 mins.  Transfer them into freezing water.  Peel in the water.

  4. In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise with the ketchup.

  5. Drain the potatoes.   Put them into a bowl.  Cut the eggs into small cubes and add to the potatoes.  Use a spatula to add the sauce.

  6. Add the ham, tomatoes, onions, corniches, persil, rosemary and season.  Mix and serve.


Pork Kofta


Street Corn Salad