Mint Choc Chip Ice Cream


140g dark chocolate

400ml of full-fat milk

300ml of double cream

1 (split) vanilla pod

75g fresh mint leaves with stalks

4 large egg yolks

80g castor sugar


  1. Put the chocolate into a plastic bag, seal and freeze for at least 30 mins.  Bash the frozen chocolate with a rolling pin until it shatters into small chunks inside the bag.

  2. Pour the milk and cream into a medium heavy-based pan, then add the vanilla pod, scraping the seeds into the mixture.  Heat the creamy milk, stirring occasionally, until almost boiling.  Remove from the heat. Add the mint leaves and stalks, cover with a lid, and leave for 15 mins.

  3. Strain the liquid, pressing the mint with a spatula to extract maximum flavour.  Discard the leaves and stalks, and scoop out the vanilla pod.

  4. Whisk the egg yolks and castor sugar until thick and pale - about 5 mins with an electric whisk.  Return the minty cream to a clean pot and bring back to almost boiling.

  5. Pour half the hot liquid onto the egg and sugar mixture, whisking to combine everything before adding the remaining liquid.  Return the custard to the rinsed-out pan and cook over the low heat, stirring all the time, until lightly thickened (3-4 mins).  Take care it doesn’t get too hot or it may curdle.  Strain the custard into a bowl and leave to cool, stirring occasionally to prevent a skin forming.  Chill the custard until really cold (possibly overnight).

  6. Churn the custard in an ice-cream machine until it is frozen.  Add the chocolate pieces just before it sets.


Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream


Orange Sorbet