Tomato with Vermicelli Soup


1 kg of tomatoes

50g gluten free vermicelli (I used Rummo Gluten Free Stelline No22 here)

1 onion

20g butter

40cl water

caster sugar


  1. Take the core off the tomatoes, and then cut them into small pieces.  Peel and finely chop the onion.

  2. In a deep and hot pan, melt the butter, add the onions and soften them (so that they become translucent).  Add the tomatoes and mix.  Add the water, salt and sugar.  Bring to the boil, and then reduce the heat.  Cook for 15 mins.

  3. Once cooked, blend the soup before bringing the soup back to the boil.   Reduce the heat, and ensure that the soup continues to have the consistency of a light veloute.  Remove from the heat.

  4. Add the dry vermicelli, cover the pan and leave to rest for 5 mins.  Serve hot.


Spicy Mexican Tomato Soup


Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato Soup