Tomato and Basil Sorbet


10 large ripe plum tomatoes

1/4 tsp fine sea salt

200ml water

250g caster sugar

3 tbsp liquid glucose

About 30g of fresh basil leaves


  1. Whizz the tomatoes in a food processor with the salt, then rub through a sieve into a bowl.  Cover and chill overnight.

  2. Put the water, sugar and glucose in a heavy-based saucepan and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved and the syrup is clear.  Bring to the boil and boil for a couple of minutes.  Take off the heat, add the basil leaves and leave to steep in the hot syrup as is cools.  Strain and chill.

  3. When ready to freeze, combine the pureed tomatoes and infused syrup.  Churn in an ice cream machine until almost firm, then transfer to a suitable container, seal and pop into the freezer.

  4. Tastes great when served with chopped cucumber and feta on a hot summer’s day.


Banana and Passion Fruit Sorbet


Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream