Tiger Bread


425ml warmed water

9g active dried yeast

25g caster sugar

180g gluten free white rice flour

190g gluten free plain flour

2 tsp Xanthan gum

25g psyllium husk powder

6g salt

2 tsp cider vinegar

80g egg white (about 2 large eggs)

For the topping:

1/2 tsp dried active yeast

1 tsp golden caster sugar

1.5 tsp sesame oil

1/4 tsp salt

75g gluten free white rice flour

90ml warm water


  1. In a jug, stir together the warm water, yeast and sugar. Allow to stand for 10mins until frothy.

  2. In a large bowl, add both flours, the Xanthan gum, psyllium husk powder and salt. Mix together until combined, then add the vinegar, egg white and frothy yeast mixture. Mix with a hand mixer at high speed for 3-5 mins until well combined (it will become a thick sticky batter). Allow to rest for 10 mins.

  3. Grease the insides of a 20cm mixing bowl with oil, Add 1 tbsp flour and rotate the bowl so that the flour lightly coats all of the base and sides. Transfer the mixture into the bowl ensuring that it is smoothed out and level. Loosely cover with cling film and allow to prove in a warm place for 30-45 mins (until noticeably risen).

  4. While the dough is proving, prepare the topping. Place all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix together until well combined. Put to one side for later, ensuring that it has at least 10 mins to rest before being applied.

  5. Preheat the over to 240C (fan). Place a roasting tin in the bottom of the oven and boil the kettle.

  6. Once the dough has risen, carefully invert the basket onto onto a greased 28cm round cake tin (I use a silicone tin). Carefully spread the tiger paste all over the top of the dough, then smooth over with the back of a spoon (going down the sides as well).

  7. Transfer to the hot oven and immediately add a mug of boiling water to the roasting tin. Bake for 15 mins, then cover with tin foil (shiny side up) and bake for a further 15 mins. Reduce the oven temperature to 200C (fan) and bake for another 20 mins until golden.

  8. Remove from the oven. Careful remove from the tin and tap the base to check that it sounds hollow. Place on a wire rack and allow to cool completely.


English Muffins


Pitta Bread