Strawberry Sorbet


500g strawberries, hulled

juice of 1 large lemon

200ml water

250g caster sugar

3 tbsp liquid glucose


  1. Put the strawberries and lemon juice into a food processor and whizz to a puree.  Tip into a saucepan, bring to the boil and boil until reduced by half.  Cool slightly, then rub the pulp through a sieve into a bowl to remove the seeds.  Set aside and cool completely.

  2. Meanwhile, put the water, sugar and glucose in a heavy-based saucepan and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved and the syrup is clear.  Bring to the boil and boil for 5 mins.  Allow the mixture to cool down.

  3. Add the syrup to the strawberry puree and stir to combine.  Cover and chill thoroughly.

  4. Churn the mixture in an ice cream machine until almost frozen, then scoop into a suitable container and freeze until firm.


Pineapple Sorbet


Watermelon Sorbet