Galette Bretonne aux Pommes


250g salted butter at room temperature

250g gluten free self raising flour

100g caster sugar

100g icing sugar

5 egg yolks

For the filling:

Four apples, peeled, cored and cut into wedges

1 tbsp sugar

For the glaze:

1 egg yolk

1 tsp vanilla essence

1 tsp water


To make the apple sauce:

  1. In a pan over a medium heat, cook the apple wedges and sugar with a splash of water.  Cook over a low heat stirring occasionally.  After 15 mins, blitz the mixture into an apple sauce consistency.  Remove from the heat and allow to cool down.

    To make the gateau dough:

  2. In a food processor, add the sugars, gluten free flour and the butter cut into small cubes.  Whizz together into bread crumbs.  Alternatively, you can do this with your fingertips in a bowl.

  3. Next add the 5 egg yolks and whizz together and beat with a spoon until you have a sticky biscuit dough.  Scrape the bowl clean and add the dough to a Tupperware container.  Put in the fridge for 90 mins for the dough to harden.

    To build the cake:

  4. Preheat the oven to 170C fan.

  5. Once chilled, remove the dough from the fridge and cut a third of the dough away.  The smaller piece will be the lid for the cake.

  6. Line a 20cm loose bottom cake tin with a circle of greaseproof paper.  Tease the larger portion of dough with your hands as if you’re trying to mould a plate in mid-air.  Now place this rough disc shape into the cake tin and continue to press the dough until it reaches the rise of the cake tin.

  7. Once you’ve got your base pressed out, with a lip around the sides, add some of the apple sauce, spreading it out generously without going above the lip.

  8. Next take the remaining third of the dough, repeat the ‘air plate’ action and on an oiled surface (such as a silicone mat), press the dough out to create a lid for the cake.  Place the lid carefully over the apple sauce and press down the edges to seal the sauce in.  This prevents any seepage.

    To glaze the cake:

  9. In a cup, mix the 6th egg yolk, the vanilla extract and the water to create a glaze.  Brush this liberally over the cake (it needs to be swimming in glaze).

  10. Bake the cake in the oven for 45 mins.  The top will go a dark golden colour.

  11. Once baked, run a knife around the edges of the cake tin and leave to cool for 5-10 mins before removing from the tin and allowing to cool completely.

Don’t be deceived by how the cake looks when cooked - it is delicious.


Galette des Rois à la Frangipane


Sticky Upside-Down Banana Cake