Easter Egg Nests


300g Milk Chocolate, chopped

75g Butter or Stork

75g Golden Syrup

175g Cornflakes

300g Mini Eggs


  1. Line a 12 hole cupcake tin with cases. Pour the cornflakes in to a large bowl and set aside.

  2. Chop/break the milk chocolate and gently melt along with the butter and golden syrup in a saucepan in a bain marie. Take off the heat when the mixture is smooth and runny.

  3. Pour the melted chocolate mixture in to the large bowl along with the cornflakes, and stir until fully combined.

  4. Using teaspoons, divided the mixture between the 12 cupcake cases. Press the mix down a little to help it stick together and to create a dip in the middle. Decorate with mini eggs. 

  5. Leave to set in the fridge (approx 1 hour).


Kinder Fudge


Pistachio Cake