

400ml warmed milk

2 tsp caster sugar

1 tbsp active dried yeast

300g gluten-free self raising flour

1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda

1/2 tsp salt

vegetable oil for cooking


  1. Stir the warm milk, sugar and yeast together in a jug and allow to stand for 10 mins until nice and frothy.

  2. In a large mixing bowl, add the flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt.  Add the frothy mixture and mix for 2 mins until smooth.  Cover and leave to prove in a warm place for no less than an hour (ideally 90 mins).  There should be air bubbles on top.

  3. The mixture should have thickened to an almost pourable consistency.  Add a little vegetable oil to a large frying pan and place on a medium heat.  Place either round egg rings or round metal biscuit cutters to a pan.  Spoon 2.5 tbsp of the batter into each ring and cook for about 5 mins, until little air bubbles appear on the surface and the surface isn’t wet.  Using tongs, remove the rings and then flip the crumpets onto the other side to cook for about a minute.  Remove from the pan and repeat until you have used up all of the batter.




Brioche-style Burger Buns