Chocolate Bourbon Biscuits



250g salted butter at room temperature

180g caster sugar

350g plain gluten free flour

60g cocoa

1 tsp Xanthan gum

30g golden syrup


125g salted butter, at room temperature

125g icing sugar

25g cocoa


  1. Put all the biscuit ingredients in a food processor or mixer and mix thoroughly until a dough forms.

  2. Roll the dough to be approx 0.5 cm thick. Cut out rectangles (I used a cutter in that I bought online). Bake for 12 mins in a preheated over at 180c, and leave to cool on the trays for at least 10 mins before transferring to a wire rack to cool properly for a further 5 mins.

  3. While they are baking, make the icing. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you’ve got your icing.

  4. Wait for about 15 mins until the biscuits are cool, then sandwich together with the filling.


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