Aero Mint Chocolate Brownies


90g gluten free plain flour

50g cocoa powder

200g butter

200g dark chocolate

3 eggs

280g caster sugar

2 tsp peppermint extract

170g Mint Aero (ideally the bubbles or eggs, but chopped up Mint Aero bars are fine too)


  1. Preheat your oven to 160C Fan. Prepare a 9 inch square tin with baking paper. Have excess paper around the edges so that you can easily lift the brownies out later.

  2. Melt together the butter and dark chocolate over a bain marie until completely melted. Leave out to cool down to nearer room temp for 15-20 minutes at least.

  3. Sieve together the cocoa powder and gluten free flour in a bowl. Mix briefly until combined, put to one side.

  4. In another mixing bowl, crack 3 eggs and pour in the caster sugar. Beat together until pale in colour and almost a little frothy.  It should have doubled in size.

  5. Once the chocolate and butter mixture is cooled a little, pour it into the egg/sugar mixture. Fold it in, it will initially marble and then turn super chocolatey. At this point also add the peppermint extract and fold it in too.

  6. Next fold in the your gluten free plain flour and cocoa powder mix. Use a spatula to ensure it's fully folded in.

  7. Fold in your mint aero - if using aero bubbles, I break some of them up and leave others whole. Remember to still have some left for decorating the top.

  8. Pour/spoon the brownie mixture into a prepared tin, smooth it over so it's even and level. No need to press any aero chocolate into the top before baking, it will melt whilst cooking so wait until after it comes out of the oven.

  9. Bake for about 25-30 mins. Cooking for this amount of time at this temp should create incredible fudgy brownies. If they need a little longer give them an extra 5 minutes (all ovens are different) A skewer poked in won't necessarily come out 100% clean but it shouldn't be really covered with completely wet batter either.

  10. Allow to cool in the tin completely before lifting out.


Chocolate Orange Scones


Fudge Brownies