After Eight Muffins


For the muffins:

100 g unsalted butter, (softened)

175 g caster sugar

2 large eggs

140 g natural yoghurt

2 tbsp milk

210 g plain gluten free flour

40 g cocoa powder

2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

1/4 tsp xanthan gum

For the ganache:

100g dark chocolate

100g After Eights

100ml double cream

For decorating:

12 After Eight chocolates


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C Fan and place 12 muffin cases in a 12-hole muffin tin.

  2. In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar together with an electric whisk until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs, yoghurt and milk and mix again until combined.

  3. Sift in the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and xantham gum. Fold in using a wooden spoon or spatula until combined.

  4. Spoon the mixture evenly between the 12 muffin cases, and then place in the oven. Bake for 5 minutes and then turn the temperature down to 160'C Fan. Bake for a further 15-18 minutes. Remove the muffins from the oven and allow to cool completely while you make the ganache.

    To make the ganache:

  5. Chop the dark chocolate and After Eight chocolates into small pieces and place in a large bowl.

  6. Pour the double cream into a saucepan and heat on a very low heat. As soon as the cream starts to simmer (not boil) remove from the heat. Pour over the chopped up chocolate and mix with a spoon until all the chocolate has melted.

  7. Pour the ganache into a piping bag and set to one side to cool slightly while you prepare the muffins.

  8. Using a sharp knife, cut a small hole in the centre of the muffin, to around half the depth of the cake, and remove the sponge from the middle.

  9. Pipe the ganache into the hole until it overflows a little. Place the After Eight on top and leave to set. Enjoy!




Vanilla Bean Cupcakes